Installation of a floor safe, AKA In-Floor Safes, requires some considerations.  The posts pages I provide below will walk you through Floor Safe Security Consideration and help you select a Floor Safe location when planning an In-Floor safe installation.  Additionally we provide a number of floor safe installation drawings embedded into the step by step procedures for a floor safe installation.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Security Considerations — Protecting your valuables starts with you!  In this page we discuss how giving out too much information can make you a target and a victim.

Location Considerations – Before installing a floor safe you must first determine the location you plan on using.  This may impact the size and style of the unit you select.

Installation Instructions – Step by Step high level general instructions and procedures for installing a floor safe.  This is not intended to supersede the manufactures instructions but to provide an over view of the process.